Chapter 4.5-Family time

Charles did some singing More cousins Larry completed his aspiration and now wants to be a painter. Larry painted Larry has started dating a childhood friend Gloria Larissa completed another aspiration Larry went out dancing with his girlfriend. Larissa got promoted The family enjoy playing video games together The final look of the final apartment.Continue reading “Chapter 4.5-Family time”

Chapter 4.4- Aspirations

Larry chose a new aspiration He did some science Larissa completed her aspiration Larry had fun on the swing two aspirations down, two to go He will work on artistic prodigy next He has two cousins who will be much younger then him Larissa chose a new aspiration she got promoted Larry completed his 3rdContinue reading “Chapter 4.4- Aspirations”

Chapter 4.3- Achievements

Charles is becoming quite well known from his novels. Larissa got promoted Charles loves playing with toys in his room He also likes dancing Larissa got a new job playing with dolls together Larissa got promoted having fun on the beach Lawrence was soon a child. He is outgoing and his aspiration is social butterfly.Continue reading “Chapter 4.3- Achievements”

Chapter 4.2- careers

Charles chose a new aspiration. He had completed his other one. Larissa got promoted she played the guitar Jayne died Charles did a work out Promotions Soon a baby was on the way Larissa got promoted Larissa chose a new career Charles got promoted The apartment was finaly finished with an value of 40, 143.Continue reading “Chapter 4.2- careers”

Chapter 4.1- Additions

Charles got a job in social media money was needed so Charles started writing some books He also did some cloud gazing with Larissa He mastered the writing skill he couldn’t afford a bed yet so bench sleeping it was in winter He was soon promoted No more bench sleeping but he did have toContinue reading “Chapter 4.1- Additions”

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